Length7.2 miles (11.6 km) with 875 ft (250 meters) of ascent. Add 4km for Worms Head. Add 4km if starting at Oxwich or 8km for Oxwich via Oxwich Head Toughness 4 (5 for Worms Head)MapOS Explorer 164 Gower
This is a fairly easy cliff top walk, with great sea views throughout along the Gower coast, from Port Eynon, past Mewslade bay, and the Worms Head (tidal islands) to the spectacular beach of Rhossili - regularly on best beach in the worls lists. You can enjoy the great view from the terrace of the Worms Head Hotel over a pint to celebrate your walk, and await your bus home.
Along this section of coast is the Cave of the Red Lady of Paviland
On the way, you pass Mewslade Bay.
As you round the headland, you'll see the Worm's Head, which you can walk out to 2.5 hours either side of low tide (only start out on a falling tide)
Eventually, you come to Rhossili village, with a stunning view of Rhossili beach. The terrace of the Worms Head Hotel has the best view of any pub in the country!
The bus stops in the turning circle.
Start in Oxwich - 4km (8km via Oxwich Head) You can start earlier in Oxwich if you wish to complete the Gower coast path. The loop around Oxwich head is great, but the coast between Oxwich and Port Eynon is so so. You're much better off spending extra time in Rhossili or Worms Head. Oxwich is also on the same South Gower bus route as Port Eynon and Rhossili. You may have to change to a connecting bus on Mon-Sat.
Worms Head - 4km round trip. Recommended. You can walk out to Worms Head on a falling tide, the causway's open 2.5 hours either side of low tide.
Rhossili beach, or the Down's behind it - both are spectacular, return to Rhossili for the bus